20kg Pargo shot by Antonio in Nicaragua (pacífico), Spain

20 kg Ignobilis Kingfish shot on SAPI Pipeline 29/12/2013

36 kg kg GT
shot by Paul Putter, 11 December 2010

26 kg Ignobilis Kingfish Shot off Egypt in the Red Sea by Ihab Hanna

Daryl Wong, Wahoo 60 lbs 12
December 2010

12 kg Wobbygong
Shark, Dec 2011,
shot by Jan Krynski

14 kg long fin Tuna shot by
Hennie 6 April 2011

36 kg GT
shot by Paul Putter, 11 December 2010

Carl Werner with a
Amberjack and Yellowtail at Protea Jan 2012

3 kg Queen
Snapper & 2 kg WA Slamon,
shot by Jan Krynski

Carl and
Garreth, amberjack, at Protea big one 21 kg 22 Jan 2012

Carl Werner
Amberjack at Protea 22 Jan 2012

Four ono day
with Matt, Daryl and John

Tertias with kingfisher and
couta 1 Jan 2011

the ono gang joe, pete, ed,
nate and daryl

Dog Tooth Tuna

Yellow Fin 96 kg
caught by Ishmail 6 April 2011

Yellow Fin Tuna 30 kg
caught by Gerrad 6 April 2011

12 kg Spanish Makeral shot by Jan Krynski

8 kg Garrick 1.5 kg Cocertina Fish 21 July 2010, Shot by Jan Krynski

25 kg GT shot by Daryl Wong off Hawaii 11/6/2012

35 kg Halibut shot in Norway by Anders Karlsson in May 2012

Jan and Joe and Daryl Wong with fish on the 15/7/2012

Daryl Wong with 6 Ignobilis Kingfish shot off Hawaii

74lb Ulua caught by Joe

Womens world record 36.5 kg Wahoo shot by Kiley of Hawaii

Jean-Charles - 33 kgs Barracuda / Congo

Jean-Charles - 33 kgs Barracuda / Congo

Jean-Charles - 21 Kgs Male dorado/ Congo

Jean-Charles - 37 kgs and 25 Kgs Red Snapper / Congo

Jean-Charles - 36, 25, and 19 kgs Red Snapper / Congo

Jean-Charles - 37 Kgs Red Snapper / Congo

Rudi Du Toit shot a 7 kg yellowtail king fish using a Spearmaster Hawaiian sling off Rocky Bay KZN, from a boat dive - June 2023.